WPKN Archives: A Miniature World with Binnie Klein Sept 5, 2024 All the Feels

Episode Info

A Miniature World with Binnie Klein

Original Aired:
Thursday, September 5th, 2024
10:00AM to 12:00PM

2 hours

Thursday, September 5th, 2024 10:10AM

music a world alternative binnie klein miniature


Episode: A Miniature World with Binnie Klein Sept 5, 2024 All the Feels

 I could tell you about the trees/I could tell you about the birds/I could get down on my knees/and tell you about the music on A Miniature World today: Gabriel Yared/Betty Blue, John Cale/Setting Fires, Daniel Lanois/the Maker, Phil Ochs/the Bells, Bob Dylan/Ring them Bells, TALK, My Brightest Diamond/Safe House, Half Waif/Figurine, Blanco White/Tarifa, Trefor Hall/Dopamine, The Veldt/The Everlasting Gobstopper, TALK, The Veldt/This is the Until You're Forever, Lithe/If u Fall, RY X/All I Have, Mong Tong/Felt, 11 am, station id, POEM BY Dobby Gibson (orig. pub in The New Yorker, August 5, 2024), Klein/wicked dreams, Bob Boilen/Lost D, TALK, Cat Power Sings Dylan/She Belongs to Me, Glass Beams/Rattlesnake, Geiger Von Muller/Radar Truck, Molly Nilsson/The Beauty of the Duty (Anxious Punk), Father John Misty/I Guess Time Just Makes Fools of Us All, Nneka/Genius, Petra Haden/Idioteque, TALK/GOODBYE, Rutiiiii/Everybody Wants to Rule the World......

Next show September 19!

Show: A Miniature World with Binnie Klein

See details under host Binnie Klein

Episode Hosts