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Tag: 06.10.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Mexico's historic election of first female president; Intl Criminal Court targets Israeli & Hamas leaders; Effort to revive nuclear power; GOP Georgia voter suppression scheme moves to battleground states
Tag: 03.18.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Biden's contradictory, deadly Gaza policies; Haiti crisis draws international intervention again; Free speech groups oppose Congressional TikTok ban; Trump 2024 voter purge operation targets dem voters
Tag: 08.22.22: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses a new investigation into Georgia GOP voter suppression; Laws criminalizing homelessness enacted across the US; Starbucks lawless anti-union campaign; Political disinformation targets Latino voters
Tag: 02.15.21: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses evidence of Trump's criminal conduct in Insurrection; Coalition pushes Biden to Close US Guantanamo prison; Wave of hate crimes against Asian Americans; Investigate Trump & McConnell for treason
Tag: 08-31-20: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses QAnon conspiracy theories and GOP support; Kenosha and Portland BLM Protests and deadly street violence; Will Trump seek foreign conflict to boost re-election?; Build The Wall arrests & Kris Kobach
Tag: 09.09.19: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Code Pink's effort to end US complicity in Yemen War; Overturning North Carolina's GOP gerrymandered districts; Trapped in the US Terrorist Watch List & Resisting massive voter purges in Ohio & Georgia
Tag: 06.18.18: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the war & humanitarian crisis in Yemen; What's next after Singapore US-North Korean Summit; Fallout from AT&T-Time Warner Merger; SCOTUS Upholds Ohio Voter Purge
Tag: 01.29.18: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Rising global inequality; Trump re-negotiation of NAFTA treaty; CT prosecutors report on police shooting of 15-year old Jayson Negron; Future of President's Commission on alleged voter fraud
Tag: 04.10.17: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump's attack on Syria; GOP Senate detonates nuclear option; March for Science appeals to reason; Koch brothers defeat TrumpCare & Win Keystone XL Pipeline Approval
Tag: 08.29.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the "Alt Right" movement & the Trump campaign; the tragic ongoing Syrian civil war; investigation into election 2016 vote theft & the campaign to stop a proposed UI CT electric rate hike