WPKN Archives: Solidarity with Garnett Ankle

Episode Info


Original Aired:
Sunday, May 9th, 2021
7:00AM to 9:00AM

2 hours

Sunday, May 9th, 2021 7:03AM

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Episode: Solidarity with Garnett Ankle

 This happens to be a very interesting show today.

One of the pride and joys, a very cherished man in Jamaica, and the world, celebrated a birthday on May 1. Here on Solidarity, we do not wait to celebrate our great reggae musicans/artists when they are unable to hear. So, on the show today, we celebrate Ernie Smith! We speak with Ernie, during the show interspersed with his music. Listen and enjoy an entertaining show.

The Entire Conversation is on the WPKN Podcast, where you may listen anytime at your leisure. Invite a friend to listen along.

Show: Solidarity

 Solidarity is the advancement of equal rights and justice through song and the spoken word. Justice knows no color, class or creed. 

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