WPKN Archives: Del 'in Transition' : The Full Epi w/ Richard Barone at 8:30am

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Friday, September 27th, 2019
7:00AM to 8:56AM

1 hour, 56 minutes

Friday, September 27th, 2019 10:19AM



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Episode: Del 'in Transition' : The Full Epi w/ Richard Barone at 8:30am

Barone fr the Seminole Hoboken band the Bongoes, updates the WPKN listeners on all things Barone, including tonight's show at Café Nine with the Feelies' Glenn Mercer. There's a whole lotta fuzz on the guitar's tonite as the boys roll into circa 70's. Alice fr Madison takes the pr of tics, and Dan Bern called in with apologies on his sleepiness earlier. We promised we would do this again, but later in the day, as Dan is playing the Parlor Rm in Northampton tonight and Oct 1 Tues at Woodbury Brewing....

Episode Hosts

None listed