WPKN Archives: Del 'in Transition' : On the phone with Boston's Ward Hayden

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Friday, December 15th, 2023
8:07AM to 8:18AM

11 minutes

Saturday, December 16th, 2023 6:28PM



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Episode: Del 'in Transition' : On the phone with Boston's Ward Hayden

 Been quite a while since we've talked, esp since the pandemic. But that brings us to the reboot on this fantastic Country Band, coming into New Haven with a tribute to their hero and mine, Hank Williams. They are the real deal and always has been, since we recorded them in Cafe Nine, New Haven in 2014. Ward Hayden and the Outliers bring the Hank show to Jazzy's Caberet at the bottom of Orange St in New Haven at the end of Dec...30th to be. A Fernando Pinto Presents show: the new Record South Shore will be out early in '24, while we have a busy band recording the past cpl years, thankfully. It's an old and very unique music to bring to urban populations and Europe esp has been very supportive of all American genre's. Let's bring 'em back in style, cause we all got a hick in us somewhere's.

Episode Hosts

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