WPKN Archives Archive Feed: livecuture Archived radio content http://www.wpkn.org/ Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:38:48 GMT WPKN Archives Archive Feed: livecuture http://www.wpkn.org/ https://wpkn.streamrewind.com//banners/7.png 850 192 Live Culture with Martha Willette Lewis Episode 54: This Is Not A Drill- A conversation with members of Extinction Rebellion NYC https://wpkn.streamrewind.com/https://wpkn.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/270232 <p>This month I am in conversation with two organizers from <strong>Extinction Rebellion NYC</strong>, a group dedicated to creative nonviolent civil disobedience in the cause of the <strong>Climate Emergency.</strong> This is a particularly poignant moment to talk with them as the G7 closes, <strong>Greta Thunberg</strong> is sailing her way to NYC and the Amazon Rain Forests are ablaze.</p> <p><strong>Extinction Rebellion </strong>is ready with a roster of creative Fall protests in time for the <strong>UN Climate Action Summit</strong> in September. I speak with<strong> Kim</strong>, from the <strong>XR Arts Collective</strong>, and <strong>Justin</strong>, a <strong>Regenerative Culture Coordinator </strong>about the goals, principals and demands <strong>XRNYC</strong> has generated, and what the role of a creative person can be in such initiatives. We go over the nuts-and-bolts behind such large-scale projects, and the myriad ways people can be involved.</p> <p><strong>Extinction Rebellion</strong> officially launched in London in late fall 2018, with <strong>Extinction Rebellion NYC (XRNYC)</strong> starting shortly thereafter in December, with a first action taking place in January culminating in a disruption at <strong>Rockefeller Center Skating Rink.</strong> The mission of <strong>XRUS</strong> is to &ldquo;transform our society into one that is compassionate, inclusive, sustainable, equitable and connected&rdquo; and to get the government to tell theTruth about Climate Change and to act on it.</p> <p>Since their inception <strong>XRNYC</strong> have had multiple public actions, including a large roadblock/die-in staged outside of <strong>City Hall </strong>and a Memorial Service for Extinct Species in in<strong> Prospect Park</strong>, Brooklyn. <strong>XR</strong> Has many artists working with them and are defined by its colorful, bold and inventive events which involve such creative outlets as sculpture, design, social theater, music and fashion.</p> <p><strong>Xrebellion </strong>is a decentralized, non-hierarchical movement, using a self-organizing system to operate. They welcome everyone, so long as they support <strong>XR&rsquo;s 10 Principles and 4 demands</strong>. These are available on their webpage at <a href="https://extinctionrebellion.us/">extinctionrebellionus</a> and <a href="https://www.xrebellion.nyc/">xrebellion.nyc</a> . Of special interest on the <strong>XRNYC</strong> page are some climate facts is under the heading <strong>The Truth</strong>.</p> <p>Starting at the end of September will be their <strong>Fall Call to Action</strong> culminating in October&rsquo;s mammoth <strong>International Rebellion </strong>with actions taking place globally. All are invited to attend this major demonstration and call for change, taking place <strong>October 7 EVERYWHERE.</strong><br /> <br /> Other realted groups looking to attract creatives to get further involved in the issues of climate change include XR&rsquo;s partner organization <strong>Culture Declares Emergency</strong> which is made up of artists and cultural producers taking a pledge. More can be found here <a href="http://culturedeclares.org/ ">http://culturedeclares.org/ </a><br /> <br /> Please join me for this fascinating conversation about Art, Protest and the grassroots movement that engages the economic and political Titans in &ldquo;<strong>The Fight For Our Lives</strong>&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> <strong>XR on social media: <br /> XRNYC facebook<br /> XRNYC instagram<br /> XRNYC Twitter<br /> XRNYC Youtube</strong></p> https://wpkn.streamrewind.com/https://wpkn.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/270232 Sat, 31 Aug 2019 10:55:00 GMT