WPKN Archives: Harry Minot

Episode Info

Harry Minot

Original Aired:
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
4:00PM to 6:55PM

2 hours, 55 minutes

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020 4:04PM

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Episode: Harry Minot

A mostly spoken word program. It begins with a "live" performance by The Firesign Theater on Pacifica's WBAI from 8 March 1970. Then a short story by Stephen Minot titled "Apparitions" from the collection "Bending Time", published by The Permanent Press and available in print and Kindle versions. A finite loop version of Bob Dylan's "Spirit On The Water" from his "Modern Times" CD. Then the Welsh lyric poet Dylan Thomas recites his "Reminiscences of Childhood". The program finishes with "Venus - The Bringer of Peace" from Gustav Holst's "The Planets".

Show: Harry Minot

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